This month’s theme is about choosing your battles and audacious thinking. Only invest time, energy, and effort in unorthodox and original thinking to resolve issues where you have the potential to make a positive difference. And if informed, sagacious judgement establishes that you are powerless or incapable of stopping something, don’t waste your time trying. ‘Don’t get in front of a ball rolling down the hill.’ JAMES PATTERSON ‘Vertical thinking is digging the same hole deeper. Lateral thinking is trying again elsewhere.’ EDWARD de BONO ‘Tact in audacity consists in knowing how far we may go too far.’ JEAN COCTEAU Quotes are listed in: AUDACITY – EQ4U GRAMMAR/COMMUNICATION NOTES Words associated with this month’s theme – with both negative and positive associations: · Chimera – unrealistic idea or hope. · Imperseverant – lacking the power to perceive/ or to persevere. · Sentient – having the power of sense perception. · Perspicacious – quickly gaining insight into things (verb – perspicacity) |