Both giving and receiving feedback effectively are key communication attributes for leaders and others. This month’s theme is giving feedback – a communication that seems to be frequently avoided, inappropriate, fudged or mishandled. Its relevance and value effectively exemplified in the following quote included in ‘Hidden Potential – The Science of Achieving Greater Things.’
‘Being polite is withholding feedback to make someone feel good today. Being kind is being candid about how they can get better tomorrow.’
And below, main headings on giving feedback from ’EQ Checklists’:
- CONSIDER YOUR INTENTION – Ensure purpose is to be helpful and supportive.
- ACKNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTAND EMOTIONS – Be aware of own and others’ feelings.
- LISTEN MINDFULLY – Acknowledge and respect others’ differences and rights.
- BE SPECIFIC – Identify feedback topic and describe point clearly.
- BE OBJECTIVE – Focus on facts and make an informed, evidence-based judgement.
- CONCENTRATE ON BEHAVIOUR – Avoid personality judgements.
- SEPARATE DESCRIPTION FROM EVALUATION – Distinguish between facts and opinions and convey impact.
- GIVE PRAISE EFFECTIVELY – Share observations that merit recognition.
- USE TO INFORM – NOT TO ADVISE – If appropriate, offer suggestions as to what might be done differently.
- USE APPROPRIATE BODY LANGUAGE – Ensure a match between words and body language.
Many thanks to Anna T for suggesting the following word:
• Aptronym – a person’s name that matches their job or one of their main characteristics – a nominative determinism.
Examples: Weather presenter – Sarah Blizzard, Sprinter – Usain Bolt, Surgeon – Professor Kneebone, Poet – William Wordsworth, Tennis Player – Margaret Court, plus General Practitioner – Dr Pain (referenced by Anna)
Warmest & best wishes