Following last month’s theme of giving feedback, March update focuses on receiving feedback – invaluable for learning and truly beneficial if received and given in the right way. The following quote is a reflective reminder of the importance of listening:
‘Wisdom is the reward you get for a lifetime of listening when you would have rather talked.’
The following is an extract of main headings and key points for accepting feedback effectively from ‘EQ Checklists’:
- BE OPEN TO FEEDBACK – Treat as a valued learning opportunity.
- BE SELF AWARE – Be aware that of intense emotions that may amplify and distort.
- BE AWARE OF OTHERS’ EMOTIONAL STATE – Be conscious of scenario
and feelings.
- LISTEN MINDFULLY – Avoid listening superficially whilst formulating a response.
- STAY CALM – Avoid defensive reactions.
- FOCUS ON FACTS – Check facts and clarify understanding.
- INVITE FEEDBACK – Seek views and opinions.
- AVOID EXTERNAL ATTRIBUTION – Avoid situational attribution.
- RECOGNISE APPROPRIATE BODY LANGUAGE – Be aware of others’ body language and feelings.
- CLARIFY FOLLOW UP EXPECTATIONS – Ensure agreement and clarity about what happens next.
- DECIDE FOR YOURSELF – Make your own decision about any change.
- CHOOSE THE CHANGE – Do not overcompensate as a result of negative feedback.
A reminder of the grammar rule requiring a match between singular / plural nouns and verbs – an error that frustratingly seems to be increasing in frequency across the media. Errors recently noted on ‘The Apprentice’ on BBC 1, 15th February:
- ‘Sometimes in life there is situations……………….’ – should be ‘are situations’
- ‘We are about to go into battle and there is clues along the way….’ – should be ‘are clues’
Warmest & best wishes