The UK general election on 4th July and its surrounding panoply of promises, condemnations and cajoling rhetoric prompts this month’s focus on the importance of effective political leadership – critical in its influence on national prosperity and well-being. The first quote by a Roman philosopher and statesman (106-43 BCE), and the second by a Pulitzer-Prize winning author:

‘The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public dept should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled.’


‘We are in a disordered period of rising tensions, but then again we usually are. Human competence races ahead, but wisdom remains as rare a commodity as it ever was.’




*This month’s grammar notes are dedicated to the memory of ‘Ruthless Editor’ Kathy Watson.  Kathy’s book: ‘Grammar for people who hate rules’ is a helpful reference source. Link to book: https://amzn.to/2AaV5bE

The following clarifies the use of (sic) and is from the section ‘Brackets Add Clarity, Show Errors’ section of Kathy’s book – pages 84/85.

If original material contains an error – a misspelled word would be an example – use brackets around the Latin term sic to indicate that’s how it was originally expressed. Translated, sic means “so, thus, in this manner.”

Kathy’s example: If you think the dog looks funny chasing it’s (sic) tail, you should see the cat trying to jump into a paper bag. (it’s should be its)

Warmest & best wishes